Audio Production Services

Our team is dedicated to helping you leverage audio to amplify your brand’s presence and connect with your audience more effectively. Whether you’re new to audio or looking to enhance your existing projects, we provide comprehensive support tailored to your needs.

podcast and audio production equipment headphones zoom microphone stand that are used to create professional podcasts and audio advertisements

remote audio & Podcast production services

  • Podcast Production: We handle everything from the initial concept to final publishing remotely, ensuring a seamless production process.

  • Audio Ads Creation: Develop engaging audio ads that resonate with your audience and promote your message effectively.

  • Show Packaging: From structuring your episodes to crafting a cohesive series, we guide you from idea to a polished show ready for listeners.

  • Brand Voice Development: Strengthen your brand identity through strategic audio content that enhances recognition and engagement.

  • Show Support Services: We extend our expertise to hosting shows, scripting/writing support, and promoting your podcast to maximize its reach and impact post-production.

Wondering how we can elevate your audio project? Drop us a line! Our team is excited to explore how we can bring your audio vision to life.


Why Audio Production?

Audio content stands out for its ability to connect deeply with audiences, wherever they are. Whether it’s through a podcast, an audio ad, or a branded audio strategy, sound can humanize your message and build a lasting relationships with listeners.

Our Process

Our audio production process is designed to take your project from concept to completion. Starting with a a detailed consultation, we map out your goals, followed by meticulous planning, recording, editing and final publishing. See a detailed breakdown of our process below.

  1. Concept Development

    In this initial phase, we collaborate closely with our clients to understand their goals and define the scope of the project. It’s about setting a clear vision. For a large-scale show, this might involve outlining a series that align with a big marketing campaign they’re launching. For a smaller project, it could be as straightforward as defining the theme and target audience for a single episode.

  2. Content Ideation

    We brainstorm content ideas, guests, and script outlines that support your ideal concept. This creative session lays the groundwork to ensure you have engaging, relevant content.

  3. Audio Design

    We plan the audio landscape, selecting the right music, sound effect, and overall tone that enhances the storytelling. For some shows there is custom-composed music which we hand off to capable partners, but a simple project might use royalty-free music or a database of sound effects and songs.

  4. Recording Sessions

    Actual recording of the episode or project, capturing all audio elements, including interviews and narration. This can be in a studio setting for high-budget productions; or recording in a home studio for smaller projects or when scheduling is an issue.

  5. Revision & Enhancement

    Also known as pick-ups, this phase focuses on reviewing what’s recorded, making necessary edits, and incorporating feedback to refine. On big projects, there might be multiple rounds of edits with feedback from various stakeholders. A smaller project might only need a few adjustments based on client feedback.

  6. Finalization

    Final adjustments are made including mixing to polish the sound perfectly. Larger projects may scope in sound engineering to balance various elements for a dynamic listening experience, while smaller ones focus on basic sound quality & consistency checks.

  7. Publication & Distribution

    The completed project is now ready for release! The extent of support at this stage depends on the client’s needs.


Why Choose Us for Your Audio Production Needs

Upstream Solutions brings a distinctive blend of expertise, innovation, and support to every audio production project. Our experience is diverse, spanning branded shows for well-known entities to empowering emerging creators who start with minimal online presence but dream big.

Success with Emerging Creators

We have a proven track record of helping creators with little to no initial social media following build substantial audiences. Our strategic production and promotional techniques have empowered podcasters to grow their listener base to tens of thousands, turning hidden gems into popular audio destinations.

Integrated Promotional Strategies

Understanding that a podcast’s success extends beyond the episodes themselves, we provide comprehensive support that includes social media promotion and complementary web content, like blog posts and articles. This integrated approach maximizes each show’s online reach, ensuring it captures and retains a wide audience.

Customizable Solutions

Recognizing that no two projects are the same, we offer customizable solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you are looking to launch a new podcast or elevate an existing one, we adapt our services to fit your goals perfectly.

Supportive Partnership

We see ourselves as more than just a service provider; we are your partner in storytelling. From initial concept development to final distribution, we are with you every step of the way, ensuring your podcast achieves its fullest potential.